Episode 5
I've been told for so many years that I was the problem and I wasn't enough. And I've also been told by the medical community that I was bipolar. Being told these words over and over again changed my brain. In today's episode, we'll be talking about how these little traumas affected me more than I expected.
1:39 Brainwashing: stonewalling and passive-aggressiveness
02:36 My story: relationship destructive, gaslighting
03:04 First 5 years of marriage: health concerns, destructive marriage, first child
07:14 Got sent to the Psych ward
08:08 How my bipolar diagnosis invalidated my story
09:35 Group think and brainwashing
10:08 Mental health challenges affects your brain
10:21 Trauma and its effect: little and big T
11:35 Dr. Amen’s psychiatrist brain scans
14:26 How trauma and brain damage can be destructive/unhealthy for us
14:44 Self soothing
15:04 Brainwashing and abuse causes brain damage, mental & health problems